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CORONAVIRUS: Important Information

Obviously, this is a worrying time for all, and we hope this helps both nanny’s and their employers. We are here to help, so please if you need anything call us on 01273 446595 or email


Below is some important information that everyone should be aware of -

NEW: New cut-off date for furlough & upcoming changes

The cut-off date for furloughed nannies was updated to the 30th October following the recent lockdown. Now, however, new claims from May can be made for employees on the payroll since 2nd March 2021, (backdated payrolls that were processed beyond this date will not qualify).

Please note: from July, only 70% of nanny's gross will be reimbursed by the government, and the employer will have to top up the remaining 10%. In August and September, this will decrease to 60% reimbursed and 20% topped up.

NEW: NHS workers

We would like to offer as much help as we can to all parents and guardians working flat-out during this difficult time. If you are an NHS worker and need to employ a nanny/carer while you are unable to take time off, we would like to offer you a 20% discount on our fees for the duration of this crisis. We thank you for all your hard work.

Bonus of £1,000 offered to employers who furloughed their nannies

The government previously announced that employers who have used the job retention scheme could apply for a £1,000 grant on top of the reimbursements they previously received. This is no longer the case, due to the second wave calling for furlough to be extended to September 2021. The possibility to apply for a grant will be reconsidered at a later date.

Furloughed nannies


Following the most recent guidance from HMRC, childcare workers are classed as essential workers and may continue to work throughout this third national lockdown, provided neither the nanny nor a member of the family falls within the high-risk category. Please see this link for more details:


If you cannot provide work for nanny during this time and can no longer continue to pay in full due to COVID-19 then you may be eligible for government support. The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme enables 80% of nanny's wages to be reimbursed while she is not working, in order to avoid redundancies.

How do I qualify?

  • PAYE must have been set up by 30th October 2020

  • nanny must still be employed but not working

  • employer should discuss becoming classified as a furloughed worker with nanny

  • please let us know if you intend to furlough nanny, and we will make the claims on your behalf at no additional cost.

How much can I claim?

  • employment costs up to £2,500 per month may be reimbursed - this excludes employer NI/pension contributions on top of the gross, which will have to be funded by the employer.

  • employer may choose to fund the 20% difference, but this is not mandatory

  • if nanny's salary is reduced as a result of these changes, they may be eligible for support through the welfare system, including Universal Credit

It is intended for the new Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to run from November until the end of September 2021; but this may be subject to change. Please see this link for more info:

Flexi furlough

Flexible furlough will be permitted alongside full-time furlough, so nannies may be brought back part-time and furloughed for the hours they are not able to work.

The same rules for flexible furlough will continue to apply as they have done since 1st July, so the nanny may be furloughed for a few days or hours per week. There appears to be no minimum time set for furloughed hours or working hours. However, each furlough claim must be for a period of at least seven consecutive calendar days. 

If you would like to flexi-furlough your nanny, please let us know how many hours she usually works per week, and how many she is actually working - we will process your payroll and claims accordingly.

Nanny being sick/self-isolation

If your nanny has been advised to self-isolate, then she/he will be entitled to 14 days statutory sick pay.


Under the new budget, statutory sick pay will begin from day 1 of illness, not day 4, if the sickness is COVID-related. Currently the rate for SSP is £96.35 per week from the start of the new tax year.

To help small employers, the government will reimburse these 14 days statutory sick pay. This is only for illnesses related to the coronavirus.

What if nanny comes to work ill?

Nannies should be told that if they do display any of the symptoms that they need to contact their GP or the NHS 111 service. 

In the situation where nanny is displaying symptoms, however the GP does not certify the employee as unfit for work, there may be grounds for briefly suspending them on precautionary grounds, which is likely to be on full pay. 

Family being self-isolated

If any family member has been advised to self-isolate, then nanny will be entitled to full pay.

Children of key workers

Many employers who work in healthcare, education, key public services, public safety and government are unable to work from home or take time off. Therefore, nannies working for such employers may continue as normal.


In the event of a total lock-down, however, this may change. 

Pregnant nannies

Nannies who are pregnant and have been advised to self isolate by their doctor are entitled to full pay until their maternity pay commences.


However, due to these particular circumstances, employers who cannot afford to continue paying in full may pay statutory sick pay instead.

Temporary live- in nannies

Due to the increasing fear of a total lock-down, many nannies are agreeing to live with their employing family temporarily.


If you are interested in doing so, please contact us for help and guidance on how to going about this.

Annual Leave

You may also find your nanny cancelling her/his holiday if they were planning to travel to infected areas, or falling ill while on their annual leave.  As an employer, you should be sympathetic to these requests and allow them to cancel without losing their entitlement, and if an nanny falls ill while on annual leave, they may be entitled to claim that time off as sick leave and gain back their annual leave entitlement. However, families do have the right to tell nanny’s when to take their annual leave if they need to.

If a family does decide to do this, they must tell nanny at least twice as many days before as the amount of days they need people to take.

For example, if they want to close for 5 days, they should tell everyone at least 10 days before.

This could affect holiday that nanny has already booked or planned. So the family should:

  • explain clearly why they need to do this

  • try and resolve anyone’s worries about how it will affect their holiday entitlement or plans


Remember, there is an implied duty for both families and nannies to look after each other’s health and safety, this duty must include complying with self-isolation advice so no one else will get infected.

We work very closely with our lawyers, and we are aware things can change. We will of course keep you up to date with any other information as and when we receive it.
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